VR Development with Oculus Quest/2
Create a cool VR App
01 - Welcome to the course
02 - Course overview
03 - Downloading the tools
04 - Setup Unity for VR Development
05 - Basic Teleportation from scratch
06 - Continious Movement
07 - VR hands
08 - Basic XR Interaction
09 - Snap Interaction
10 - Custom XR Push Button
11 - UI Interaction
13 - Import Environment package
14 - Finish room0
15 - Finish room1 part1
16 - Finish room1 part2
17 - Finish Room 2
18 - Finish machine in room3
19 - Finish elevator in room3
20 - Finish UI Screen and Death Countdown in room3
21 - Statemachine and room states
22 - Create basic game cycle management
23 - Adding GazeInteraction
24 - Adding the AR Tablet
25 - Adding OMAR's Sounds
26 - Adding spatial sound
27 - Lights and baking
28 - Polish and further cleanup
29 - Words on VR Performance optimization
30 - Summing up
31 - Final words
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